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5346. E.Perényi : Studies for Clarinet (EMB)
CENA: 12.40 €

Hodnotenie produktu: 0/5
Instrument : Clarinet
Genre : Etudes
Pages : 88
Publisher : Editio Musica Budapest
ISMN : 9790080143001
Edition No.: 14300
Éva Perényi has compiled a diverse group of 169 intermediate-level etudes in 85 pages. The book features a beautifully printed layout that is very easy to read, and a durable binding that will lay flat without much fuss. These etudes progress in difficulty from several that are very simple (although with 16th notes and compound meters) to intermediate level studies that reach a high "e" only a few times. The etudes are in keys up to three sharps or flats, except for a few of four sharps or flats. The first etudes are four to a page; the last ones fill a page. Although easily sight-readable by an advanced player, this book could fill a second purpose beyond its intended function as a beginning bass clarinet study book for a more experienced player.