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2583. Sármai : Répertoire for Music Schools - piano 1, EMB
CENA: 11.00 €

Hodnotenie produktu: 0/5
Nástroj : Klavír
Edičný rad : Repertoar pre hudobne skoly
Žáner : Prednesová inštruktívna tvorba
Jazyk : Hungarian, English, German, French
Rozsah : 76 strán
Prvé vydanie : Septembra 1999
Vydavateľ : Editio Musica Budapest
ISMN : 9790080142073
This series is designed to serve two purposes : on the one hand it aims to make accessible (collected in separate volumes) the best-knownpieces that form the backbone of the music school curriculum, and also to provide teachers and students with lesser-knownworks with which to extend this basic repertoire.