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0271. F.Liszt : Memento Pages - Miniatures for Piano (EMB)
CENA: 11.00 €

Hodnotenie produktu: 0/5
Instrument : Klavír
Genre : Romantic
Language : Hungarian, English, German, French
Pages : 68
First Edition : Marca 2011
Publisher : Editio Musica Budapest
ISMN : 9790080147580
Edition No.: 14758
This selection is intended to reveal a less-known aspect of the genius of Franz Liszt, the greatest pianist of the 19th century : as a master ofpiano miniatures. While his large-scale works written over many years show Liszt as a striving composer for whom the creative process was difficult,at the same time, hidden in the shadow of the monumental peaks, the 'moments musicaux' tend to capture him in the process of improvisation, atthe moment when a compositional idea flashed into his mind and was first noted down. The miniatures that feature in our selection trace hiscreative path through six decades (1827-1885), from his youthful testing of his wings right up to his final farewell. The manuscript of anypiece that did not later become part of a cycle or the starting-point for a larger-scale composition generally remained in the mists of obscurity as&nbs p;atreasured memento preserved by one of his pupils or admirers.
Franz Liszt
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