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4985. A.Soós : Let's Take the Stage! (EMB) + CD

Nástroj: priečna flauta
Obsahuje CD
Easy repertoire pieces four young flutists
It's an unforgettable experience to go on stage for the first time and win applause with your playing. This album encourages children to make a first appearance and gives effective help in doing so. It brings together pieces that can earn real success: easy arrangements of favorite works by Esterházy, Purcell, Händel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Weber, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Tchaikovsky and Grieg. The CD enclosed with the publication includes recordings of the piano accompaniment for each piece and a full performance by noted Hungarian musicians. So the disc makes practice at home easier and gives assistance with performance style as well. The publication offers numerous pieces of advice to young flutists, including: how to get ready for a concert, how to control stage fright, and how to be confident on stage. In addition, several charming illustrations by Edit Szalma are included.